Thursday 21 June 2012

Asset Modelling

To start off, here's one of our main inspiration pics that we've been using for our library environment - it's fairly spot on of what we want in terms of colour and lighting:

Laura's been working on some of the item modelling for the environment (see the book trolley, books/shelf and stool below in progress) so that pipeline is progressing along with the script and other documentation. The overall look and feel of the environment is 'cartoonish realism' (think the environments you see in most animated films, like Tangled or Toy Story) - designs will be closer to things in real life than heavily stylised. Any comments/feedback/thoughts are welcome! (and before anyone suggests it, no, the books are not all going to be red, that's just the default texture at the moment)

And finally the environment so far:

As you can see, glass windows on two sides so lots of natural light! 

Lighting side-note: I'm debating faint god rays in places and whether or not that would actually even add anything beyond a lot of render time, considering the main focus of the project is for animation... something to test later, anyway. I should be able to start lighting tests at some point now that we have basic geometry as well. 

Again, feedback appreciated! :D

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